Friday, November 1, 2013

Grimbark Jade Outfit

Finally finished my Grimbark Jade outfit. Have not tried it will the make up yet, but I want to soon.

Here is what I looks like when she is doing her space powers

Here is what I looks like when she has her gun and about to shoot it

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sewing My Mouth Shut

So for Halloween Jen wants to do fake stitches, so I said I had the material for it, but I didn't know if it would still work, because they were so old. It did work though. By the way, you can use this for Kurloz from Homestuck, its just hard to open your mouth with it on. 

This is what I look like when I tried making fake stitches.

(My girlfriend thought I actually sewed my mouth shut. I just went with that, and she was so worried. It was funny too.) 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dying Hood

So this time I bought the right type of fabric dye and it actually works. Who would have thought of that? Anyway, it took about 30 to 45 minutes to dye it, then I had to wash it. I made a mass while I tried to get the hood out of the dye and into the washing machine, because it was really hot that it was burning my hand. So now the washing machine has 3 spots of black dye on it. Oops! Anyway, the hood turned out amazing!
This package is really hard to open without ripping it, because the directions are on the inside (who thought of that?). Anyway, this is the type of dye I used.

Note: Will post what the hood looks like later!

Grimbark Jade Dog Ears

Do I made my Grimbark Jade Dog ears. It wasn't that hard to make. All I used was shoulder pads from some woman's shirt I bought a long time ago, and cut off (this is why you don't throw things away). Next I hot glued cotton balls to it, and pulled them off when the glue dried. That way the cotton balls had that feathery look to it. Once I finished all that, I just painted them black.
Here's what the back of them look like

Here is what the front of them look like

Note: I didn't think this would work, so I didn't take pictures of them before I started to make them. Sorry. :(

Found Something Out

So a few days ago I was thinking about how people make their troll horns for Homestuck characters shiny. I looked different tutorials, and then thought "Why don't I try using clear nail polish." Well I went to the dollar store, and found some nail polish called "Super Dry" (dollar store stuff have weird names). I bought 1, and came home and painted my Karkat horns with the nail polish. Guess what! It makes it enough shiny, that it doesn't look like its been polished 50 million times, but gives it a nice gloss to it. It does take a few coats though. I did about 2 really thick layers, and then added extra to the places that needed it. It looks so much better then just painting them with the candy corn colors.

Here's the one before I painted it with nail polish

Here's what it looks like after it is painted with nail polish

The type of nail polish I used (see it's called "Super Dry")

Welcome To Night Vale

If you haven't guessed already, I'm doing a Cosplay of Cecil from Welcome To Night Vale. Today I decided to do this Cosplay for the next con I am going to (which is in the end of February). My brothers needed some close, so I went with them to the store to get stuff. We went to Good Will first, and I found the perfect sweeter vest and long sleeve shirt for Cecil. Next we went to Kohl's and I found a dark purple tie there. So I am pretty much done with the Cosplay, and I got it all in one day! Now I either need to: cut and dye my hair (planing on doing this anyway) or get a wig, make glasses, and figure out how I want to do that tattoos.

This is what I have so far (had a pair of headphones laying around)

Close up of the tie and stuff

Note: Sorry about the lighting. I was using my webcam to take photos of it

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


So last night I was cleaning my room, and what do I find? Socks that will work perfect for Grimbark God Tier Jade. I also found some shoes that are black, that I can paint to be red also. Now all I need left is her shirt, glasses (Jessica said she will let me borrow her's, but I might make my own), dog ears, and make-up. I am deciding still if I want to do Grimbark or just normal God Tier Jade. But whatever I decide, I am almost done with it. All that is left is little things to do. Well .... not the shirt, but everything other then that.

So cleaning your room once in awhile is actually a good thing people. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Styling Wig For Meulin Leijon

Today I spent 3 to 4 hours styling a wig for Jessica. She is going to be Meulin Leijon from Homestuck for Anime Land Wasabi (ALW) 2014. The wig was a Halloween wig, that she found in her closet, so it has a lot of knots that I had to get out while I styled it. Here are the photos I took while I was doing it.

Here is where I was like "Oh! I should take photos while I do this". So I do not have a photo of what the wig looked like before I started, but this is as close to it as I got. 

As you can see I just used T-pins and found it to the style I wanted it to be, then sprayed it with hair spray.

Here is what the piece above turned out looking like after I took the pins out.

Here is after I did a few

Another photo of the same amount done as the above photo

After a few more got done

Didn't really like how they started turning out, so I had to "fix" them, and here is what it looks like now

Here's me working on another section of the wig

Now its done! (front angle)

Now its done! (right side angle)

Now its done! (back angle)

Now its done! (left side angle) 
This is what it looks like on Jessica. She said she really liked it. What do you guys think?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Grimbark Jade's Outfit Coming Along

This is the skirt I'm going to use for Grimbark Jade. Was thinking about adding little white beads all over the skirt to make it have a space look to it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do that. What do you guys think?

Here is a photo of what the hood looks like so far. I have the tails and everything too, I just don't have a photo of that. Hopefully I can dye this soon, so it's not white anymore. 

My NDK 2013 Cosplays

Left to right
Dave - Jessica
Vriska - Jen
Karkat - Me

Left to right
In (Jen's exchange student)
Rose - Becca/Catnip
Dave - Jessica
Nurse - Iliana/Twixx
Fluttershy (Doesn't have the ears) - Jen
Terezi - Me

Me as Karkat in the hotel room.

Me as Blindfold Terezi (didn't walk around the con with this on of course. The piece of paper is from another Terezi and it says that I'm really cool)

My Experience With Dying Fabric

Story: I just posted saying I made a white White Of Space hood, and said I would dye it when I got the chance. Well I did not mention that I have already tried to dye it. I had lots of white fabric, and Black fabric dye, so I thought why not make it out of the stuff I have, so I don't have to buy anything. I finished sewing it a few days ago, and yesterday I went to dye it. Well, I get the dye already, and it kind of looks Dark Blue instead of Black. I think to myself that it will get better, so I throw in the hood, and it turns Dark Blue! I'm like great! This dye said it would be BLACK, but instead it is Dark Blue! I'm like if I let it sit it will become Black. 2 hours later! Still not Black. I call Jen and Jessica and tell them what is going on. Jessica was with a friend, and he said that I might have used Polyester Fabric, which wont dye with normal dye. I'm like great. I just wasted my time and fabric dye for no reason. Well I take it out of the bath of dye, and wash it off to see stays on a little bit, and just throw it into the washing machine. Guess what happened. IT WASHES IT ALL OFF!!! IT'S BACK TO BEING WHITE! I'm so pissed of at this point, that I just throw it in the washing machine and go to bad. I didn't even want to deal with it anymore. Well I went and bought some fabric dye for Polyester fabric, and spent $8 on it! Why is it so expansive? So yeah ... my story to figuring out not all fabric dyes the same way.

NDK 2013 and Something New

NDK 2013: Was on September 13th - 15th this year. I got to go with a few of my friends too. It was the first time for my friends (Jessica and Jen) to go to an anime con. I was so excited for them to come with me. This was my 3rd year going so I kind of have a hang of what was going to go down and stuff. We got to stay in the hotel there too. That was a first for me. On Friday I was Karkat Vantas, Saturday I was Terezi Pyrope, and then I was going to be a Gothic Lolita Terezi on Sunday, but instead I went with Human!Karkat. I will add photos later when I have the photos at my disposal.

New Stuff Going On: Right now I am working on a new Cosplay. I am working on Grimbark Jade from Homestuck. So far I have the skirt (its black though), and her God Tier hood (it's white right now, will dye it soon). Jessica said she is willing to let my barrow her Jade glasses, so I will have that too. That's so nice of her. I hand sewed the hood, because my sewing machine broke on me. Hopefully I get it fixed soon, because it takes a long time to hand sew anything. So all I need now is to make her shirt, get her socks, and her shoes. Oh! And make-up too!

Friday, September 6, 2013

First Cosplay

My 1st Cosplay Experience: I did Sakura from Tsubasa Chronicle from CLAMP.
(This is what it looked like right after I finished making it.)

Problems: I had many problems with this outfit. I had never sewn an outfit together before, and decided to make a whole outfit for the 1st time. At first I had to hand sew everything, because at that point I didn't have a sewing machine. Once I got a sewing machine, I finished making the shirt with it. Once it was all done, I put the shirt one and what happened? It's so small for me. So I have to trash it. :( I then go to the thrift store, and find the right shirt, and just added to it. (That's what the top of the dress is made out of by the way). Next I added sleeves to the shirt, and then the skirt. More problems! I sewed the sleeves on sideways, so they don't sit right on my arms, and the skirt I sewed backwards that 1st and 2nd time. Then I had to add an underskirt. For that I just cut up a skirt that was it. I didn't sew a seem onto the underskirt or anything. Next can the socks. I needed to add belts to the sock, but didn't have much money left, and didn't know how. SO I decided to paint the sock with Oil Paint. That didn't work at all. I didn't dry that fast, and got all over the socks. UGH! So I had to buy new socks, and everything. Finally I finished making it.

Where Did I Wear It?: I wore it at Nan Desu Kan (NDK) 2012. I wore it Saturday, and by the end of that day it fell apart. Want to know why? Because I didn't know you had to back stitch when you sew. So I didn't do that for anything. 

Do I Still Have It?: Actually I do. But it is in a pill of used fabric that I just mess around with. I want to redo this outfit one day, when I am better at sewing. Hopefully the 2nd time I do it, it will turn out so much better. 

(This is what it should have looked like)


Hello everyone!

I'm a Cosplayer! You can either call me Jupanuma or Ren. I will answer to both. I wanted to make a Blog about me experiences with Cosplay, things I find helpful, and whatnot.

My Experience: This will only be my 2nd year Cosplaying, but so far I love it. I have read manga for most of my life, but it wasn't till much later that I actually got into Cosplaying.

Thanks for reading this first post. More to come :)