Saturday, March 22, 2014

Getting There

I finished making my Trickster Karkat horns, and Jen just finished painting them. Now I need to go and buy at least 5 yards of duck canvas fabric. I already have the pattern I am using for it all made and everything. I am going to get this Cosplay done before May 31st (That's when Promstuck is)

I really just need to get the straight jacket done before then. If I can find some white pants before then, that would be nice, but if not, I don't really care. The pattern I made kind of based off the Youtube video:

Straight Jacket Pattern

The only thing with this video is the person is sick, so he coughs a lot. This is how I learned to make the pattern for my straight jacket.

Chii From Chobits

I did not have my Chii Cosplay done before ALW. I actually got it done while I was at the con. I just needed to buy the wig and "ears", which I bought from a friend. I did not Cosplay Chii at all at ALW. I did when I got home Sunday. Jen and Naya did a little photo shoot of it.

Most of the photos from the little photo shoot I had. I am wanting to do another photo shoot, but I don't know when. 

Animeland Wasabi And Who I Coplayed

I went to Animeland Wasabi 2014 (ALW) for the first time. I brought 7 different Cosplays with me (no I did not wear them all in 3 days). 
The ones I brought with me were: Karkat (Homestuck), Terezi (Homestuck), Grimbark Jade (Homestuck), Dirk (Homestuck), Chii (Chobits), Cecil (Welcome To Night Vale), and Yata (K Project) 

Yata was a quick Cosplay I finished a week (I think) before the con. I only have 2 photos of it, and am going to get more soon. 

Kind of a full body one. Need a better one with the skateboard soon.

A close up of my face.

I Cosplayed Yata all day Friday. I did have a skateboard with me, but I left it in the hotel room. I didn't want to "weapon" check it, and have to carry it around with me all day. I did get 1 photo of me with the skateboard though. I just don't know if it turned out okay or not. Jen's not very good at taking photos, and she is the one that took it. So hopefully it turned out alright and I can have a copy of it soon.